Behind the Scenes: Zapata Computing + Andretti Autosport In Less Than 4 Minutes

Behind the Scenes: Zapata Computing + Andretti Autosport in Less Than 4 Minutes

How does one describe the Zapata + Andretti partnership in just a few minutes? As with quantum computing in general…it’s a challenge. There’s a lot to wrap your head around.  

But that’s part of the fun – meeting the challenge head on and creating something that gets to the cool, interesting and useful stuff. 

If you’ve got <4 minutes, we invite you to take a behind-the-scenes look at what happened in our first season together, from the cross-team collaboration, to preparing Andretti’s analytics infrastructure for quantum and even what happens in the Race Analytics Command Center (RACC). It’s the only place in quantum – or even Big Compute™ for that matter – with race cars, advanced ML, quantum, more race cars and smart people from both companies saying…smart things about getting quantum-ready. 

Check it out:

To learn more about what we’re doing together, how our platform for building and deploying quantum-ready applications® – Orquestra® – plays a role, and to dig into specific use cases such as tire degradation analysis, fuel savings optimization and yellow flag predictive modeling, head over to our Andretti Autosport Case Study page. 

Hope to see you at an IndyCar race in 2023!