zapata labs
Research Focus Areas

Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing

NISQ Heuristics

Physics-Inspired Techniques

Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing

Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing

We’re developing algorithms for the era of early fault-tolerant quantum computing (EFTQC) and estimating the quantum resources required for future applications involving chemistry, differential equations, linear algebra, and more.

NISQ Heuristics

NISQ Heuristics

We’re developing and benchmarking hybrid quantum-classical heuristic algorithms for machine learning and optimization that can leverage the quantum computing hardware available today.

Physics-Inspired Techniques

Physics-Inspired Techniques

We’re taking techniques from the world of quantum physics that can run on today’s most powerful classical devices, unlocking advantages for large language models, high dimensional integration, anomaly detecti`on, and more.
Featured Research
Joint Research with Customers

Our research is the foundation for the commercial advantage we deliver to customers.

Quantum computers have immense potential to unlock value in use cases ranging from chemistry and materials discovery, drug discovery, machine learning and simulation, and we’re as committed as ever to unlocking that value.

— Peter Johnson, Lead Research Scientist

Research in the News