Quantum computing moves from the fringes to the short list of transformational technologies as early adopters expect to become quantum-capable in the next two years.
The quantum computing journeys that global enterprises have already started — or are thinking hard about commencing — are fascinating in their strategic and tactical approaches. Each journey is its own story that will play out in parallel with that of the technology itself.
For more insight on how far along enterprises are in their adoption of quantum computing and the challenges they’re facing, Zapata AI commissioned a survey of 300 leaders at large global enterprises (CIOs, CTOs and other VP-level and above executives) to get “real” on what is happening today and what is likely to happen in the near future.
If you’ve ever wondered:
- How many enterprises have adopted or plan to adopt quantum computing within the next two years
- How many enterprises expect to achieve a competitive advantage in 2022 (or 2023)
- What the top quantum use cases are
- What the biggest barriers to quantum adoption are
- How long it takes enterprise executives to explain quantum computing to a friend or family member at a party (longer than you think!)
…then we’ve got you covered – and then some.
Questions? Comments? A Quantum Computing briefing? We’re here to help.
Let us help you on your company’s quantum journey, no matter where you are right now. We’ll even help you knock that “explain quantum computing” time way down. Contact us!